Crop Protection
Herbicides, Insecticides & Fungicides
Our herbicide, insecticide and fungicide programs are cost effective, prevent yield loss and lead to a healthier and more productive crop. We keep positive business relationships with crop protection companies that provide excellent products, research and service to make sure you have a positive experience with the products used on your farm.
Products we provide are proven and backed by company and university research and are supported by us as well as the companies that produce them. We provide both branded and generic products to try to bring the producer the best and also the most economical programs possible. It is always our goal to help you to find the best crop protection products and programs to address the weeds, insects and diseases on your farm for the most economical value.
Introducing the DJI Agras T40 Applicator Drones
Our pair of DJI Agras T40 drones are the newest addition to VTF-Sunrise. With these drones working in tandem, we are able to spray fungicide and pesticide or spread fertilizer. These drones are specifically designed to hover and fly through the air to spread and spray massive payloads over large areas.